Here is a bit about my journey. I started my journey into the world of breathwork back in 2017...

Hey there,
thanks for coming here!
My journey into the world of breathwork really started back in 2017.
I used to be prone to high levels of anxiety and using medication to “feel better”…
I was always intrigued by meditation, breathing, yoga, movement, but as many of the things I started, they almost ended as quickly as they had crossed my mind originally… and mostly leaving regrets.
I had been consistent in sports for a few years but always needed a reason, a target to reach.
In the meantime, I was often getting sick and visiting my doctor on a regular basis and under more tablets to “feel better” again… That’s when I decided to search YouTube (I knew that if I had Googled my symptoms, the diagnosis would have been… “you’re going to die”), and I bumped into a video on Wim Hof. By trying his method, I realised that I could also do what he was promoting and felt like I’d never felt before in a basic environment… alive.
My personality started changing, I performed better in sports and recovered better. I met my wife soon after and I don’t think it could have worked out as well with my previous mindset.
I am a Certified Wim Hof Method instructor and developed my knowledge in breathwork, studied yogic breathing, free diving, conscious breathing and the way the body and mind work together.
As a sportsman, I wanted to learn to develop my breath even better and found out about the Oxygen Advantage and became a Certified Advanced instructor in early 2022.
I have been using it a lot for sports, mostly running, improve performance as well as recovery. The effects have been impressive.
People have consulted me to help them improve their daily lives, performance, with issues like snoring, sleep apnea, anxiety, stress and more.
I also helped a young man to speak more complex words through breathing after losing his speech following leukaemia in his teens.
If I can help or inspire other people, develop their potential, their mental strength, so if you want to take the next step to get towards a healthier, more focused, improve performance, being a happier you, please join me in this exciting journey…
— Aristotle